Spodaj je seznam kandidatov (in kratki opisi – v ANG), ki jih je GreenTech-ova strokovna komisija uvrstila med najboljše posameznike za leto 2019. Zmagovalci bodo razglašeni na otvoritvi letošnjega GreenTech sejma, ki bo v Amsterdamu med 11. in 13. 6. 2019.
Zmagovalci so razvrščeni v 4 skupine (inovacije, trajnost, vpliv in koncept), ki nekako najbolj kategorizirajo današnjo stanje razvoja vrtnarskega sektorja in narekujejo trende za prihodnost.
Category GreenTech Innovation Award 2019
- Autonomous crop management – Delphy B.V.
Autonomous crop management helps growers with making complex decisions and preventing mistakes, at companies where growing knowledge lacks the step towards full remote management is possible. Realtime data from climate and crop is used in smart optimization algorithms. In short: autonomous cultivation management using data driven models, achieving higher crop results with less human knowledge!
- ISO Bulb Planting Machine – ISO Group
The ISO Bulb Planting System(IBPS) is a machine that has the ability to plant bulbs fully automatic in a tray or grow container with robot arms. This way of planting bulbs without human interference with Vison(Artificial Intelligence)technology is unique in the world.The IBPS machine is able to plant Tulip bulbs into a grow crate.The IBPS is able to run 10.000 bulbs per hour operated by one person
- Koppert scout-app – Koppert Biological Systems
Manual scouting is a very important, but also time-consuming and error-sensitive activity. Therefore, Koppert designed the scout-app. An intuitive mobile application and dashboard that gives instant insight into the IPM-situation of greenhouse growers. This enables growers to respond rapidly in the on-going battle against potentially harmful pests and diseases.
- Rubion – Octinion
Our autonomous strawberry picking robot Rubion finds its way through the crop, picking strawberries like a human picker without bruising them. Thanks to built-in quality monitoring, the robotic system allows for sorting, advanced crop monitoring and precision farming. The robotic arm picks the berries and places it in the punnet in one smooth movement, with the chosen weight in every punnet.
- Ridder CO2 Optimizer – Ridder
The Ridder CO2 Optimizer is the first autonomous advisory tool to help growers apply the best possible CO2 dosing strategy. By taking into account the real-time cost of dosing supplemental CO2 and the future revenues that the extra crop yields will provide, the Ridder CO2 Optimizer enables greenhouse growers to implement the most cost-effective CO2 dosing strategy and boost their bottom line.
Category GreenTech Sustainability Award 2019
- Hortinergy – Climate modelling and analysis – Agrithermic
Hortinergy is an online tool modelling the inner climate (temperature, humidity, light, CO2…) of a greenhouse anywhere worldwide on a hourly basis. It includes features such as semi-closed greenhouse, pad& fan, assimilation light, screens… A comprehensive analysis is proposed with outputs such as daily minimum/maximum humidity deficit, PAR reaching canopy, artificial light required.
- Growfoam – Foamplant
Growfoam is a patent-pending substrate made from biodegradable biopolymers. Growfoam enables growers to produce more crop with less resources, while using a sustainable substrate with low carbon footprint. With the well-defined & peat-free Growfoam, growers achieve ultimate freedom in dosing nutriënts & biostimulants, while reducing use of pesticides due to the clean Growfoam production process .
- Hortiled Top 120v19 – Hortilux Schréder
HORTILED Top 120v19 is the most efficient LED fixture on the market, with an efficiency level of 3.5 µmol/Joule, which is an 84% efficiency increase compared to HPS 1000W. This efficiency brings direct savings on your energy bill and produces significantly less heat. This makes it possible to light at a higher intensity with minimum impact on the greenhouse temperature.
- EcoExpert – Modiform
Modiform’s EcoExpert product range is made from paper fibre instead of plastic. The paper used is 100% recycled and the products we make from it can easily be recycled through the standard household or retailer cardboard recycling system. Not only can it be recycled and composted, but if it finds its way into the natural environment it will degrade within a year.
- Ridder NoNa+ – Ridder
Ridder NoNa+ is the industry’s first cost-efficient sodium-removal solution that removes harmful sodium levels from drain water and enables emission free cultivation thanks to an unique combination of selective membrane and electrodialysis technology. This innovative system minimizes the loss of expensive fertilizers and makes it possible to remove sodium without adding other minerals.
Category GreenTech Impact Award 2019
- SuprimAir Greenhouse – Certhon
The SuprimAir Greenhouse,creates the ideal climate for year-round production of vegetables.By using fully conditioned air and overpressure, there is always a perfect climate to grow.The use of pesticides is not necessary due to the fact that insects are kept out of the greenhouse.Water use is limited to a minimum with the aid of a hydroponic drip irrigation,with complete reuse of irrigation water.
- VA Grow Vertical Farm – KE GrowAir BV + Orange Climate Agri
Delivering the best air conditions for growers and Vertical Farming: homogeneous air distribution, maintaining the ideal climate and creating the desired air conditions. Looking for a worldwide crop production guarantee 24/7. The company supplies installations that create the optimal cultivation climate in any location in the world, regardless of the greenhouse or climatic conditions.
- Ridder Co-Creation Climate Screens – Ridder
Ridder introduces Co-Creation Climate Screens, a service that provides tailor-made climate screens, developed and manufactured in The Netherlands. The fastest solution for professionals demanding flexible and affordable innovative screening solutions, customized to the growers or installers need.
Category GreenTech Concept Award 2019
- Phycotrone – MEG – Augmented Photobiology
Microalgae are a disruptive bio-product in new, profitable markets (research, cosmetics, nutraceuticals, biofuels). The Phycotrone is a controlled microalgae growth platform, for R&D and lab scale. It performs growth sequences in different volume scales and/or conditions, giving back information for industrial scale-ups. An unprecedented way for understanding algae and their development.
- The Fiberglas Greenhouse Roof – Bordeso BV
In 1982 Piet Bom won the Innovation Award at the Dutch Horticultural Fair with his PB gutter, turning aluminum into the world’s standard for the roof of Venlo greenhouses. However, extraction, production & transport of aluminum has a huge CO2 footprint. In 2019 Piet Bom Innovations brings you a revolutionary fiberglass-roof. The aim is to reduce the CO2 footprint of the greenhouse roof by 80%.
- Medical Grow Rolling Container – Bosman Van Zaal
Our medical plants (a.o. cannabis) grow rolling container has been developed for cultivation with highest quality requirements. Our container is suited to hydroponically grow plants with different sizes and has an integrated ventilation system that ensures optimal and constant air circulation. This creates perfect growing circumstances for the crop and hinder the development of fungi and diseases.
- Nexus with E-meta Intelligence – Van der Ende Groep
A High Performance Reversed Osmosis system provided with E-meta Intelligence – up to 95% recovery. The High Performance Reversed Osmosis system is developed because of the amount of waste of water and electricity that exists during the water production of conventional RO’s. We developed a RO system with E-meta Intelligence that enables its RO’s to produce up to 95% clean water.
- e-Gro – Grodan – Part of the ROCKWOOL Group
e-Gro is an open platform that provides comprehensive visibility and intelligent recommendations to help growers make data driven decisions and optimize their total operation. The platform gives a clear picture of the root zone, the crop, the climate conditions, the irrigation and harvest results. As a result, a grower has more control and he can make better informed decisions.
LP, Blaž